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Peacebuilding Municipalities
Conflict Transformation at the Local Level
Since 2011 the line of work "Conflict transformation at the local level" has been encouraging community care professionals to use reflection and other resources from the conflict transformation model in both city governments and external companies. The conflict transformation model has a holistic focus that is well suited to the needs of street and leisure time educators, neighbourhood technicians and other municipal and community professionals who must often deal with conflicts in public situations.
The project focuses on providing courses, workgroup reflections and counselling so that these professionals can begin using in their daily work what they have learned regarding the theory of conflict transformation.
Based on this training and counselling we have published here the most useful theoretical tools and practices from the conflict transformation model for municipal staff providing care to people throughout the conflict process: before, during and after the critical moments.

Tools for conflict transformation at the local level
This space contains recommendations, tools and tips for conflict transformation. The fact sheets deal with the main challenges identified by the participants during the different training courses.

Challenges mentioned by professionals providing services to individuals and communities when dealing with conflicts
How to deal with the challenge: Recommendations and tools
1. Conflicts in public spaces are mainly approached from the perspective of negative peace: "Many actors believe that things are fine as long as direct violence does not break out; there is no comprehensive preventive focus; they do not understand that promoting positive conditions can help contain or transform a conflict”.
2. Participatory processes and dilemmas of participation (gender, representativeness, representation, moments, actors...) "Certain fears were identified in the public administration when dealing with conflicts using a participatory approach. When participatory processes take place, are they planned? The different issues that need to be considered when talking to stakeholders include: who do we get information from and who do we negotiate with? (Do we only talk to the neighbour who always complains, or do we have a broader perspective that includes the opinions of the neighbours? Are we including the women? Etc.)”.
3. What happens when leadership is negative. "Regarding the above, difficulties may also arise when the interlocutors have a negative leadership, may want to impose their positions by force, or they claim to represent someone when that is not the case. In those cases it is important to look for alternative leaders and question the actual legitimacy they have".
The importance of provention processes: "In any conflict it is useful to have previous experience and an understanding of provention processes: to promote understanding and trust among neighbours, their personal listening skills, etc. This idea is linked to the importance of creating bonds between people in the neighbourhoods, of finding elements that connect the opposite poles".
5. The importance of having a multidimensional approach: "Some tasks seem to require personalized attention that is focused on the individual, but even in those cases it is important to take a broader view, to look at the cases from different viewpoints and take into account a wide range of stakeholders and elements in the conflict".
6. A crisis can be an opportunity. "Sometimes it's important to let a crisis happen to better deal with a situation".
7. Enemy images: "Many cases include components of hate speech, rumours... We need to see how to deal with this (confront the neighbours or not, try to unravel their arguments, etc.) Anti-rumour training is especially helpful in these cases".
8. The importance of knowing all stakeholders, "We must identify all of the stakeholders, not only to have a clear idea of the role each one plays and how to they can be used (the utilitarian approach), but also to know what their interests are and how everyone can work together".
9. And where do I stand? "The intervention in the conflict also implies analyzing what role we play as "operators" in the conflict. This analysis must be done in terms of power, opportunities, spheres of influence, etc.”
10. Human rights perspective: "We must remember that the people we are helping –all of them have rights, and the rights of each one must be respected, not only those who are most vulnerable.” The task can be approached from the perspective of people’s rights and the inclusive city.”
11. Assessment: "It is important to assess the processes to see how they are doing and how to reinforce conflict intervention in personal care services."
Theoretical Framework: the conflict transformation mode
Key concepts
This first document provides an introduction to the key concepts that underlie and provide guidance for this project. We believe that initially clarifying some of these concepts is important so that the people interested in this website all share a common code.

The conflict transformation model
Brief description of the conflict transformation model and how it is different from other models that deal with conflict.

Conflict management strategies
Dealing with conflict using nonviolent mechanisms from the conflict transformation model.


Conflict Transformation at the local level
Useful tools in conflict transformation for community workers

Map showing the best practices employed both inside and outside cities around the world


Conflict transformation for professionals providing care to individuals and communities
Training with a focus on reflection, aimed at professionals who deal with conflict at the community level. Training courses are offered in three formats: courses, workshops and support


Aportes de la construcción de paz al trabajo comunitario en zonas socialmente vulnerables sin conflictividad armada
November 2023 (in Spanish)
Conflict transformation in the city
Tutorials with tools for professionals providing care to people and community actors

City Diplomacy practices
Reflections, tools and best practices used by European cities to prevent violence, transform conflicts, raise awareness and educate for peace, implement policies consistent with peace, alleviate the impact of war on other cities, etc.

Ideas for peacebuilding
Publications describing municipal practices that promote peace

With the support of:
Ajuntament de Bcn Cooperació internacional, solidaritat i pau

Tel. +34 93 586 88 44
Plaça del Coneixement - Edifici MRA (Mòdul Recerca A), UAB, 08193
Bellaterra, Spain -
Fax. (+34) 93 581 32 94 -