The Postgraduate Diploma in Culture of Peace of the School for a Culture of Peace (ECP) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona was created in 1999. The ECP was established that same year with the purpose of promoting a culture of peace, human rights, the analysis of conflicts and peace processes, education for peace, disarmament and the prevention of armed conflicts, as well as the gender dimension in the construction of peace.
The aim of this postgraduate programme is to train professionals in the field of culture of peace and peacebuilding. This programme provides theoretical and practical knowledge on peace studies, peace education, culture of peace and conflict transformation at the micro level (interpersonal relations) while it also deepens the analysis of armed conflicts and peace processes, the participation of civil society in peacebuilding, human rights, ecofeminism and the gender dimension in conflict and peacebuilding. To date, more than 700 people from different countries and academic and professional backgrounds have been trained in this postgraduate programme.

The Postgraduate programme in Culture of Peace has a workload of 30 ECTS-credits (European Credit Transfer System), equivalent to 240 classroom hours, 125 hours of final dissertation and 385 hours of individual work, approximately. The training program of peace studies for the 2020-21 edition is structured in three blocks (the first will be online and the second and third will be face-to-face):
▪ Basic foundations of peacebuilding, education and research for peace (online)
▪ Analysis of armed conflicts and other types violence (Face-to-face)
▪ Education for peace (Face-to-face)bounce house
The teaching staff of the Postgraduate Diploma in Culture of Peace is made up of renowned experts and academics, involved in different areas of peacebuilding. The Postgraduate programme also offers the possibility of carrying out internships in different organizations in the field of peace.
More information on the Postgraduate Diploma in Culture of Peace here (in Spanish).