Peace Talks in Focus. Report on Trends and Scenarios is a yearbook that analyses peace processes and negotiations that took place in the world during a year. The examination of the development and dynamics of negotiations worldwide allows to provide a comprehensive overview of peace processes, identify trends and comparatively analyse the various scenarios. Peace Talks in Focus. Report on Trends and Scenarios also analyses the evolution of peace processes from a gender perspective. One of the main objectives of this report is to provide information and analysis to those who participate in peaceful conflict resolution at different levels, including parties to disputes, mediators, civil society activists and others.

About Peace Talks in Focus:
The yearbook Peace Talks in Focus: Report on Trends and Scenarios, published by Escola de Cultura de Pau, is an established benchmark in analysing and monitoring peace talks, negotiations and processes. Its publication is a particularly important milestone given the volatility of the subject and the challenges inherent in evaluating and identifying trends and lessons learned in conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts. Moreover, the gender perspective running through the yearbook highlights the importance of the effective participation of women, the LGTBIQA+ population, indigenous communities and other marginalised groups, making it a key tool for promoting more inclusive and sustainable peace processes. In short, this is an indispensable resource for everyone who is part of or contributes to promoting peace efforts in contexts of violence.
Albert Charara
Programme Officer of the European Institute of Peace (EIP)
On the global stage, where conflicts and geostrategic competition are intensifying while military expenditure reaches unprecedented heights and arms control frameworks and crisis management agreements are becoming obscured, the yearbook Peace Talks in Focus: Report on Trends and Scenarios has become more imperative to read and study than ever. This report not only provides a fundamental analysis of ongoing peace processes, but it also meticulously explores emerging trends in dialogue, mediation and negotiations, enriched with a gender perspective. Against the background of conflicts such as those in Ukraine and Palestine, as well as calls to increase military spending around the world, this publication stands as an essential tool for understanding and addressing contemporary conflicts from a perspective of peace.
Luca Gervasoni i Vila
Director of the Institute Novact of Nonviolence (NOVACT)